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Read back Certificate

Need Courtpals to perform the read-back after receiving your declaration?

1 - 15 pages — $399

16 - 30 pages — $449

31 - 50 pages — $549

50+ pages — $749

Translation to Spanish

Receive the Spanish Translation of any declaration that Courtpals has already delivered

1 - 15 pages — $279

16 - 30 pages — $349

31 - 50 pages — $459

50+ pages — $699

Translation to other languages

Receive the Translation of any declaration into any available language. Pricing depends on language complexity and number of pages.

Translation Certificate

Certificate the Quality of any Declaration that Courtpals translated

1 - 15 pages — $99

16 - 30 pages — $199

31 - 50 pages — $399

50+ pages — $499


Frequently Asked Questions

  • We’re based in California and we ensure that our offerings comply with all the California State Bar rules. We also comply with the State Law of each State we provide our services. We’re run by attorneys who are well versed in ethics and best practices. Our staff does not give, receive, or offer legal advice.

  • Because we operate in-house, we take client data seriously and encourage you to review our terms and conditions. We are not selling data to anyone and the data that we are collecting is being securely housed temporarily while we work on your case. When we are done, the data is anonymized to improve outcomes and stored in secure facilities.

  • We take data seriously and have no desire to share it. Please review our privacy policy but we will not be housing client data long-term to prevent any breach.

  • We have not heard of DHS doing this and wonder how they would even know the data is being housed. We do not believe this can or will happen as we do not understand how DHS would know to seek data from our servers.

  • We pride ourselves on high-level work but are not and will not ever be part of your firm. We are not lawyers, and the fact that you seek our services, you specifically disclaim our liability.

  • Right now, it takes roughly 33 business days for us to turn around a fantastic, court-ready declaration to you. Since often there are delays due to scheduling, we recommend no less than 60 days.

  • Check out the list of languages available by clicking here. We can work with up to 160 languages!

  • Yes, we do provide translation certificates for your declarations, and read-backs too! Check out our pricing page.

  • As soon as you complete the purchase and the form, there's nothing to worry about. We will call your client to schedule the appointment to take the declaration and take care of the logistics of it. As a best practice to foster your client's confidence and trust, we only recommend you call your client to let them know Courtpals will call them to take their declaration.

  • Correct. All our operations are remote. We contact your client over the phone.

  • It largely depends on your client's story, availability, and cooperation. Our teams do not hold sessions of more than 4 hours as it can be exhausting for your client, mentally and emotionally. We do not charge per hour either. The fee you pay is regardless of the time we spend on your client's declaration.

  • Once we deliver the declaration to you, you have 7 days to request changes, adjustments, or edits, at no charge at all from us. If it's necessary to contact your client again, we will do it as well at no cost if it's within these 7 business days.

  • We do ask you to fill out a form with your client's contact information, support documents, and intake notes you’d like us to use to write the declaration consistently, but we don’t stop there. We call your client, set the appointment to take the declaration over the phone with an interpreter already in place, if needed, translate the declaration, and deliver it to you, court-ready. We ask questions to your client over the phone that go beyond a simple survey. We interview your client and delve deep into what will help you have a strong case.

  • No. Our teams are experts in finding hardship elements in your clients’ biography and, if you’d like us to focus on certain elements you noticed prior, you can let us know and our teams will place their focus on those elements.

  • No. Our declaration-taking service is a very complete, wrap-around service. Our flat fee includes the interpreter, the translation, and one last review of the declaration, made by an immigration attorney. This fee is regardless of the language and regardless of the hours we spend working on your client’s declaration. A real deal!

  • No. To keep our prices competitive and fair to you and your clients, all declarations are delivered to you in English only. No exceptions.

  • Yes. However, expedited declarations on single declarations and bronze membership plans are charged an additional $300 fee and are only available for Spanish-speaking declarants.